Monday, September 28, 2009

Outside Activity 1

This weekend I went to see Cigarette Girl at the Brooks Museum. It definitely was not what I expected. I went expecting it to be somewhat like spiderman or batman because it was previously a comic. I expected her to be some kind of hero and stop people from smoking. Instead, she was more like a monster. If she wasn't smoking then she was killing people because it made her feel better. She just happened to be killing people that were hurting others. I think she would have killed even if it didn't do anyone any good. Now instead of her being a slave to cigarettes, she is a slave to something much worse. In my opinion, this movie had a much bigger underlying meaning. I believe it is a metaphor for society today. For example, the movie shows that cities have a designated smoking area and you can not smoke out of it. In society today we have begun that already by outlawing it in building and restaurants. In the even bigger picture, the government enforced the same idea when segregating Indians into reservations that are only in certain parts of the country. Also, when the US segregated African Americans the same idea applied. I believe that the writer could have been portraying something more than just smoking is smoking. For instance, even when you think you are correct in your actions you could be starting a war that is way bigger than you.

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