In class we watched a movies that was based on the text "A Worn Path." I really enjoyed getting this point of view from the movie. In the text, the narrator is an outside source that has nothing to do with what takes place; however in the movie, the narrator seems like it is the old woman herself. In the text, the author was very discriptive of the events that occured but the movie helped me understand more of what happened. It helps me a lot to see expressions on people's faces because you can tell a lot from how people are looking at you. Because of this, I was able to better understand the nurse in the doctor's office throught the movies than in the text. Another difference in the way the text is portrays and the movies is where the setting takes place. After reading the text, I assumed that it was taking place in the north because although the white man was somewhat racial toward the black woman, he was still polite in helping her. In the movie, however, the sign on the doctor's office said "colored" which makes me think more about the south and segregation.
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